Good Practice Review Tool
Explanation: the Good Practice Review Tool (GPRT) is a summary of the Safeguarding Procedures, Protocols, Forms and Additional Information. It is a tool to provide a "Check List" of Safeguarding issues that are reviewed annually by the Elders of Goldstone Church.
(This page provides links to key documents; click on the file name to open the document)
Note: some documents are from external sites
Goldstone Church Policies
- Health and Safety
- Lone Working
- Visitors (Children & Adults)
- Whistleblowing
- Good Practice Review Tool (GPRT)
- This webpage
- Safeguarding Protocol
- Reporting a Disclosure Form
- Hints if a Disclosure is Shared with You (Four "R's")
- Useful Contacts
Safer Recruitment
- Data Consent Form (available when required)
- Parish Induction Process
- Safer Recruitment Practice Guidance
- Volunteer Recruitment and Induction Protocol
- Volunteer Application Form (ver 01-Jul-21)
- Volunteer Agreements
- Volunteer Agreement - adults at risk (ver 01-Jul-21)
- Children and Young People
- Volunteer Reference Form
- Adults at Risk
- Children and Young People
Other Information (External links)
- BH Church Code of Safer Working Practice
- BH Church Policy on Whistleblowing
- Policy on the Safeguarding of Children
- Responding to Safeguarding Allegations in the Parish
- BH Church e-Safety Policy
- BH Church Behaviour Code for Adults Working with Children
The above policy documents were reviewed and affirmed by the Elders at their meeting on Monday 13th January 2025.